Dynamics CRM: Setting ILogger With Different Azure Application Insight Subscription

The first time I saw this documentation (about sending Log to Azure Application Insight), I wanted to implement it in my environment. But when I tried to set it from the Data Export (Preview) blade, we must have a subscription in the same environment (if you subscribe to Dynamics CRM using xxx@xxx.onmicrosoft.com, then you also need to create an Azure Application Insight resource using the same username).

My Dynamics CRM account doesn’t have an Azure Subscription

But before you try this in your organization. You must know that this one is not an official setting and is just for experimentation purposes!

Continue reading “Dynamics CRM: Setting ILogger With Different Azure Application Insight Subscription”

Dataverse Plugin Development: Simplify Your Plugin Code Using This Way!

When creating a Dataverse Plugin, we always encounter a scenario where we need to retrieve attribute values of the main entity. But we want to take either from Target’s attribute or PreImage/PostImage/Database’s attribute. For example, if we have an entity (table) that contains Qty, Price, and Total. If the user changes the Qty attribute, we want to calculate the Total using Target.Qty * Database.Price. Same with the scenario if the user just changed the Price attribute, then we need to calculate the Total using Database.Qty * Target.Price. These scenarios are very common. Yet the implementation of the code is always complicated in real life. How can we make a TRUTHFUL object?

Continue reading “Dataverse Plugin Development: Simplify Your Plugin Code Using This Way!”

General Tips on Dynamics CRM Plugin Development

On my blog, one of the most viewed posts is Dynamics CRM Plugin Development: Pre-Operation vs Post-Operation. This makes me realize that I need to create another blog post about plugin development, in general, to let you know the dos and don’ts in plugin development (in a general way). The concepts of this blog post are a combination of my experience and taken from a code-reviewed document that Microsoft did on the company I currently working on.

Continue reading “General Tips on Dynamics CRM Plugin Development”